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My Journey Into TheYogiZen.

Here I am sitting in front of a computer bravely stepping into the world of technology and blogging...

Wow! Did not see that one coming at the beginning of 2020! In the past I haven't given myself much opportunity to be in front of a computer, mainly because I was simply not interested.

By April 2020, the world was starting to shut down, jobs were lost, non-essential business were told to shut their doors, economy's were crashing. Our nation along with others were told to stay home unless it was essential. The uncertainty of where our world was heading started to weigh heavily on the minds of many. A lack of food and essential supplies on the store shelves started creating fear and panic. The closure of fitness gyms, yoga studios, sports and recreation centers lead to the decline of many peoples physical, mental and emotional state, me being one of them.

After paying for a membership a few years ago at a local yoga studio, yoga had become a huge part of my regime for living a healthy lifestyle in mind, body and soul. Through my practice I learned how to let go of stress, be vulnerable, meditate and love myself deeper. This community of yogis lead by an amazing group of instructors (whom began to feel like family) supported me in my everyday growth. Thankfully they adapted to the new changes and were able to get virtual classes up and running. The feeling of still being able to connect to my yoga family was very reassuring to me. These unprecedented times were pushing more businesses towards an online platform and forcing the majority of small businesses to close their doors. I was one of these small businesses, I had a hair studio in my basement and I am also certified in Raynor Massage and Reiki. I had a small healing room where I worked with clients using both of these techniques, aiding them in their healing journey.

It was now time for me to adapt to the direction the world of business was heading. How was I able to help people when I wasn't able to physically have them come into my business. I began to brainstorm with my ex-husband (Todd) and TheYogiZen was born! Our vision was to create a space where people could find literature, products, and a supportive community to enhance their mental, spiritual and physical growth.

We will be blogging here regularly and look forward to future connections with all of you as we continue to grow!

Stay calm, stay centered, stay focused.



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